80 項商品
80 項商品
從 $980.00 起
單價 每Flower Garden Cake
- 伯爵茶蛋糕,配玫瑰牛油忌廉及玫瑰花瓣夾心 / Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream)
- 雲尼拿蛋糕,配雜莓牛油忌廉及雜莓果醬夾心 / Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream)
- 檸檬蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心 / Honey Yuzu (layered with passion fruit butter cream)
- 朱古力蛋糕,配朱古力牛油忌廉及Valrhona朱古力脆脆夾心 / Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- 彩虹雲尼拿蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心(+$200) / Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part I: 蛋糕幾錢一磅?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-I |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part II: 蛋糕最遲幾時訂?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-ii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part III: 蛋糕可以少甜或用代糖嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part IV: 有現貨蛋糕嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iv |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part V: 不是海綿蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-v |
從 $2,680.00 起
單價 每Orchid Cake
- 伯爵茶蛋糕,配玫瑰牛油忌廉及玫瑰花瓣夾心 / Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream)
- 雲尼拿蛋糕,配雜莓牛油忌廉及雜莓果醬夾心 / Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream)
- 檸檬蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心 / Honey Yuzu (layered with passion fruit butter cream)
- 朱古力蛋糕,配朱古力牛油忌廉及Valrhona朱古力脆脆夾心 / Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- 彩虹雲尼拿蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心(+$200) / Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
指定款式的翻糖(Fondant)蛋糕,一般都可以選擇6"或8"直徑 :
- 6"直徑約重4-5磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重8-10磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part I: 蛋糕幾錢一磅?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-I |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part II: 蛋糕最遲幾時訂?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-ii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part III: 蛋糕可以少甜或用代糖嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part IV: 有現貨蛋糕嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iv |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part V: 不是海綿蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-v |
從 $880.00 起
單價 每漂亮細緻的忌廉唧花裝飾,配搭好味的牛油忌廉蛋糕。
我們可以加上最多20個英文字母放在蛋糕頂。蛋糕顏色方面,你可以選取最多兩隻顏色(Base Colour - 蛋糕身,Piping Colour - 唧花)。
- 伯爵茶蛋糕,配玫瑰牛油忌廉及玫瑰花瓣夾心 / Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream)
- 雲尼拿蛋糕,配雜莓牛油忌廉及雜莓果醬夾心 / Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream)
- 檸檬蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心 / Honey Yuzu (layered with passion fruit butter cream)
- 朱古力蛋糕,配朱古力牛油忌廉及Valrhona朱古力脆脆夾心 / Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- 彩虹雲尼拿蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心(+$200) / Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重4-5磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
從 $980.00 起
單價 每Butterfly Garden
- 伯爵茶蛋糕,配玫瑰牛油忌廉及玫瑰花瓣夾心 / Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream)
- 雲尼拿蛋糕,配雜莓牛油忌廉及雜莓果醬夾心 / Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream)
- 檸檬蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心 / Honey Yuzu (layered with passion fruit butter cream)
- 朱古力蛋糕,配朱古力牛油忌廉及Valrhona朱古力脆脆夾心 / Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- 彩虹雲尼拿蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心(+$200) / Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重4-5磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part I: 蛋糕幾錢一磅?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-I |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part II: 蛋糕最遲幾時訂?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-ii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part III: 蛋糕可以少甜或用代糖嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part IV: 有現貨蛋糕嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iv |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part V: 不是海綿蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-v |
從 $1,880.00 起
單價 每Butterfly Garden (2 tiers)
Perfect for celebrating birthday and anniversary.
The flavour of the surface butter cream is in Vanilla Flavour.
- Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
- Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream and mixed berries jam)
- Lemon (layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd) (+$400)
- 8"+6" (diameter of each tier)
- 6"+4"
從 $4,880.00 起
單價 每Fondant Cake - Live Long Cake With Gold Fish and Peach (Multi tiers)
Our specific design to bring good vibes to the celebration. Perfect for birthday celebration.
For the cake flavours, you may choose from:
- Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
- Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream and mixed berries jam)
- Lemon (layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd) (+$400)
- 8"+6" (diameter of each tier)
- 8"+6"+4"
- 10"+8"+6"
As there is chocolate ganache and fondant layer, fondant cakes are heavier than butter cream cakes.
從 $1,980.00 起
單價 每Fondant Cake - Live Long Cake With Gold Fish and Peach
Our specific design to bring good vibes to the celebration. Perfect for birthday celebration.
For the cake flavours, you may choose from:
- Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
- Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream and mixed berries jam)
- Lemon (layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
- Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd) (+$400)
- 6" (diameter of each tier)
- 8"
As there is chocolate ganache and fondant layer, fondant cakes are heavier than butter cream cakes.
我們很高興為你的摯愛親朋製作2022年聖誕禮品 ,讓你可以與重要的人分享美味!
適合作聖誕派對的小禮物,以及送給同事的散水餅,Phoenix Sweets自家製作的曲奇,透明膠盒 獨立包裝。
- 每盒有5-7塊,視乎讓批曲奇的厚度,最少訂購12盒/$540
- 好味無添加的曲奇,是我們自家廚房的出品
- 100%天然,沒有人造色素、調味或防腐劑
- 我們會從以下口味隨機提供3款口味: 紫薯/綠茶/伯爵茶/朱古力/芝麻/原味
- 透明膠盒的尺寸是6cm x 6cm x 6cm
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
散水餅簡介請參閱: https://zh.shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/phoenix-sweets-goodbye-gift-service