【💕Phoenix Sweets - Happy Friday✨】⠀
限時優惠,Happy Friday到中環大館 @taikwun.hk 半價購買6件裝Mini Cupcake!⠀
我們的中環大館門巿提供Pop up限時優惠,逢星期五,大家到門巿可以即時以半價購買6件裝Mini Cupcake!⠀
優惠需受條款約束,Phoenix Sweets保留隨時暫停、更改或終止以上優惠及不時修訂優惠條款及細則之權利。 如有任何爭議,Phoenix Sweets保留最終決定權。⠀
We are offering time-limited walk-in promotion on 6pcs Mini Cupcake set at our store in Tai Kwun.
You may come to our store on every Friday to purchase our 50% off 6pcs Mini Cupcake set.
Please be reminded that stock is limited and the offer is subject to availability of stock. Every customer can only purchase 1 discounted set for each Friday. Please note that the offer is only available for walk-in purchase. We would not keep stock for customers for purchasing at discount.
Terms and conditions apply. Phoenix Sweets reserves the right to pause, amend and terminate the above offers. In case of any dispute, the decision of Phoenix Sweets shall be final and binding. ⠀
By Phoenix Sweets, Hong Kong
*Food Factory Licence No: 2963804620
*Shop: Tai Kwun, Central
*For enquiry: email order@phoenixsweets.com